Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ben's Best: One of the "Dying Breed" of Real Jewish Delis

The Times Ledger has a great article on Ben's Best, one of the last of a "dying breed".  I agree.  I feel lucky to have one of the few real Jewish delis left in the city, right in my neighborhood.  Read the article at the above link.  I don't go there as often as I used to, because high blood pressure and a body of an older age dictate that deli food is not healthy for me to eat anymore.   But I need a "fix" every once in a while.  Recently, a friend of mine wanted good matzoh ball soup, and I couldn't think of better matzoh ball soup than Ben's, so we went.  I am more vegetarian, so I had the mushroom-barley soup and a hotdog [a real no-no for someone with hypertension like myself].  If I had more room, I would have had a square knish and a pastrami and tongue sandwich [I pondered doing takeout but my better judgement prevailed for once].  70-years in business and nothing like Ben's.  When Tung-Shing went out of business, I suffered a definite mourning, but if Ben's ever went away, I would have to sit shiva.